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Our People

Who are our people? Westminster has been blessed with some of the best and brightest faculty. All teachers have a love for the Lord, their students, their subject, and bring Christ into the classroom with enthusiasm. Our faculty are life-long learners and have over 350 years of combined classical Christian education experience.

With 410 graduates since 2000, our alumni have gone on to attend colleges and universities around the world, including Oxford and Columbia University.

Our Vision for Faculty

We desire our faculty to be professional and diligent in their work, gifted in teaching, loving their students, loving their subjects, and most importantly, loving the Lord in front of their students. We desire that they clearly understand classical education, how it is implemented in their classrooms, and how their work fits into the whole of the trivium; that they possess a lifelong hunger to learn and grow; and that they have opportunity to grow in their gifts and skills and to be refreshed and renewed. We desire to see them coach and mentor new staff. We desire faculty to serve as academic coaches to students and to identify, nurture, and develop the intellectual, physical, and spiritual gifts of students. We look to see them continue to mature in Christ, to participate joyfully in Christian community through the local church, and to grow in their knowledge of God and the Scriptures.

Administrative Team

  Name Title
Joe Abrahams Abrahams, Joe Athletic Director
Preston Atwood Atwood, Preston Head of School
Jonathan Callis Callis, Jonathan Academic Dean
Holt Hall Hall, Holt Director of Operations
Taylor Moore Moore, Taylor CFO
Julie Nagem Nagem, Julie Director of Marketing and Communication
Emily Newman Newman, Emily Head of Grammar School
Emily O'Dell O'Dell, Emily Dean of Students
Mary Rachel Pang Pang, Mary Rachel Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Sharon Ray Ray, Sharon Director of Admission
Elissa Roberts Roberts, Elissa Assistant Head of Upper School

Support Staff

  Name Title
Cathy Boyd Boyd, Cathy Literacy Specialist
Betsy Cashman Cashman, Betsy Counselor
Mark Clear Clear, Mark Custodian
Nancy Herring Herring, Nancy CLC Middle School Aide
Bethan Holland Raines Holland Raines, Bethan Librarian
Lindsey Hughes Hughes, Lindsey Admission Coordinator
Sarah Kimbro Kimbro, Sarah Reading Specialist
Rawda Kuku Kuku, Rawda Director of Aftercare and Enrichments
Stacy Pritchard Pritchard, Stacy Admin Assistant
Mary Read Read, Mary Director of College Guidance and Science Faculty
April Samuels Samuels, April Business Office Assistant
Karla Scott Scott, Karla Admin Assistant
Jennifer Thompson Thompson, Jennifer Assistant to Athletics & Admissions
Amber Turner Turner, Amber Assistant to Director of Development
Debbie Turner Turner, Debbie Purchasing
Kathryn Walker Walker, Kathryn Admin Assistant
Sabrina Warren Warren, Sabrina School Nurse

Grammar School Faculty & Staff

  Name Title
Mary Adams Adams, Mary Third Grade Teacher
Ashley Anthony Anthony, Ashley Kindergarten Teacher
Matt Bell Bell, Matt Latin Teacher
Jennifer Blatz Blatz, Jennifer Kindergarten Aide
Marti Bolton Bolton, Marti Fourth Grade Teacher
Cathy Boyd Boyd, Cathy Literacy Specialist
Amy Callis Callis, Amy Physical Education Faculty and Coach
Elaine Clowers Clowers, Elaine Music Teacher
Patricia Culp Culp, Patricia Fourth Grade Teacher
Ashleigh Dacus Dacus, Ashleigh Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Julie Davis Davis, Julie Third Grade Teacher
Kristin Dickerson Dickerson, Kristin Fourth Grade Aide & Science Teacher
Anne Leigh Garrett Garrett, Anne Leigh Second Grade Teacher
Mary-Grace Grantham Grantham, Mary-Grace First Grade Teacher
Tina Hale Hale, Tina Junior Kindergarten Aide
Joanna Harris Harris, Joanna Third Grade Aide
Sissy Hickman Hickman, Sissy Fifth Grade Teacher
Lisa Hilliard Hilliard, Lisa First Grade Teacher
Sarah Hysong Hysong, Sarah Third Grade Teacher
Jamie Jackson Jackson, Jamie Fifth & Sixth Grade Aide
Brooke Jones Jones, Brooke Junior Kindergarten Aide
Rebecca Jones Jones, Rebecca Second Grade Aide
Sarah Kimbro Kimbro, Sarah Reading Specialist
Annette Leach Leach, Annette First Grade Aide
Julie Liddy Liddy, Julie Art Teacher
Jessica McDaniel McDaniel, Jessica Second Grade Teacher
Kristen Miller Miller, Kristen Kindergarten Teacher
Emily Newman Newman, Emily Head of Grammar School
Lindsey Ozier Ozier, Lindsey Art Teacher
Elizabeth Peckham Peckham, Elizabeth Fifth Grade Teacher
Stephanie Phillips Phillips, Stephanie Director of Academic Support
Michael Price Price, Michael Science Teacher
Kenneth Read Read, Kenneth Sixth Grade Teacher
Garrett Reed Reed, Garrett Physical Education Teacher
Karla Scott Scott, Karla Admin Assistant
Julie Sliger Sliger, Julie Third Grade Aide
Ginger Smith Smith, Ginger Music Teacher
Laurel Smith Smith, Laurel Sixth Grade Teacher
Hannah Vigus Vigus, Hannah Kindergarten Aide
Rachel Weatherly Weatherly, Rachel Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Shannon Williams Williams, Shannon Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Kameron Wilson Wilson, Kameron Physical Education Teacher
Hannah Wolfe Wolfe, Hannah Junior Kindergarten Aide
Rachel Woodard Woodard, Rachel First Grade Aide
Jenny Young Young, Jenny Sixth Grade Teacher

Upper School Faculty & Staff

  Name Title
Darren Adams Adams, Darren Math Faculty
Allaina Armstrong Armstrong, Allaina Science Faculty
John Eric Brown Brown, John Eric English Faculty
Amy Callis Callis, Amy Physical Education Faculty and Coach
Jonathan Callis Callis, Jonathan Academic Dean
Noah Collins Collins, Noah Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach and Physical Education Faculty
Conner Davis Davis, Conner Latin Faculty
Jonathan Davis Davis, Jonathan Bible and Logic Faculty
Mary Kathryn Davis Davis, Mary Kathryn US Faculty
Kyle Dillon Dillon, Kyle Theology and Capstone Faculty
Jannica Gregory Gregory, Jannica English Faculty
Nancy Herring Herring, Nancy CLC Middle School Aide
Mary Hollidge Hollidge, Mary Latin Faculty
Paul Husband Husband, Paul Theology Faculty
Amanda Johnson Johnson, Amanda US Faculty
Gregory Kinney Kinney, Gregory History Faculty
Christopher Marino Marino, Christopher Science Faculty
Natalie Martin Martin, Natalie US Faculty
Scott Miller Miller, Scott Math Faculty
Emily O'Dell O'Dell, Emily Dean of Students
Mary Read Read, Mary Director of College Guidance and Science Faculty
Tirzah Rhodes Rhodes, Tirzah Art Faculty
Elissa Roberts Roberts, Elissa Assistant Head of Upper School
Ginger Smith Smith, Ginger Music Teacher
Nate Smith Smith, Nate Theology and Rhetoric Faculty
Brownie Spires Spires, Brownie History Faculty
Seth Stevens Stevens, Seth History Faculty
Dee Stubblefield Stubblefield, Dee English Faculty
Kameron Wilson Wilson, Kameron Physical Education Teacher